
It was a great answer to incorporate "keyboard"!It's so easy to work so much that you can connect to three devices at the same time ... | My classic style

A keyboard that I didn't care about because I thought I could work without any problems with one laptop computer.

However, two months have passed since I introduced a wireless keyboard that I started using as a hypothesis, so I can't think of a keyboard!It became an indispensable thing for work as much as I thought.

You can connect 3 devices at the same time

That is the Logitech "K780 Multi -Device Wireless Keyboard".It is a full -size Bluetooth connection type keyboard used by stationary.

It is attractive that the sound of typing is quiet but easy to hit.In addition, when I used it, I felt the difficulty of type mistakes.

The biggest feature is that one keyboard can be connected to three devices at the same time.

If you connect to the keyboard to the device with Bluetooth, you can easily switch the device with the keyboard F1, F2, F3 key.

For example, if you want to reply to your smartphone message notification during your computer work, this keyboard allows you to switch between devices smoothly.

I stopped working on a personal computer and changed my smartphone ... I forgot what I was doing!What can you prevent?

「キーボード」を取り入れて大正解だった! 1台で3つのデバイスに同時接続できるってこんなに作業しやすいんだ…|マイ定番スタイル

The round key blends into your finger and is easy to hit

The keyboard that is compact and easy to carry is convenient because it can be used at home or outside, but the intervals between the keys are too narrow, the keyboard is too shallow and difficult to hit.

However, this keyboard has a round key lined up at moderate intervals and is easy to hit on the finger, and there is no waste in typing!By striking it, the work efficiency has been increased by the desk work concentration for a long time.

Long work can be done in an easy position

Furthermore, it is good to introduce the keyboard, but you can work in a relaxed manner.

Have you ever stiff shoulders at your desk work and have been stiff to your neck?Before I started using this keyboard, I was just like that.

However, just taking one keyboard, it naturally became able to release the face from the screen, making it harder to stiffen.In this case, long work does not bother!

By the way, I like the simple and round appearance.

The keyboard with a high design may feel inadequate, but this keyboard is multifunctional and does not float in the room.

I should have got it earlier

Logitech's "K780 Multi -Device Wireless Keyboard", which I thought I didn't need a keyboard, but now I can't let go during work.

If you can work in a natural and easy position, even though its functionality and design are sufficient, I wanted to incorporate it sooner.

"K780 Multi Device Wireless Keyboard" Logitech

I want to read it together:

キーボードを買い替えて、作業効率が爆上がり! ロジクールの小型キーボードにはタイピングしやすい理由があるんだ|マイ定番スタイルTENTの「黒板消し」をパソコン横に置くだけで、テレワークがこれまで以上に捗るとは…|マイ定番スタイル

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A free writer born in 1996.He became freelance after Barista and manufacturer business.I like saunas, coffee, houseplants, and film cameras.