
How to "input" in Office for iPad Use Bluetooth keyboard How to "enter" using an external keyboard with an Office for iPad

With the emergence of Office for iPad, more users are likely to input characters and data on the iPad.That's where the BLUETOOTH keyboard is connected to the external connection.At the moment, Apple genuine keyboards are recommended.I actually buy and use it, but both "Roman character input" and "Kana input" can be used without any problems.

However, setting changes are required for "Kana input".This time, let's explain how to do that.

●Office for iPadで文章入力するならアップル純正のBluetoothキーボードがおすすめマイクロソフトからOffice for iPadがリリースされたことで、iPad版Wordで文章入力したり、iPad版Excelでデータを入力したりするユーザーが増えるだろう。

What you need is a Bluetooth keyboard with an external connection.You can enter on a screen keyboard, but it is less efficient than the external keyboard.If you enter text in earnest or enter a large amount of data, a physical keyboard is still indispensable.

The most compatible Bluetooth keyboard with the iPad is Apple genuine "Apple Wireless Keyboard (JIS)" (6800 yen).It's a bit expensive, but if you enter in earnest on the Office for iPad, strongly recommend this keyboard.

Office for iPadで「かな入力」する方法 Bluetoothキーボードを使用 Office for iPadで外部キーボードを使って「かな入力」する方法

In fact, I purchase and use this genuine keyboard and third -party keyboards, but there are many problems, such as the keyboard made of third -party and the key that is entered and input.However, this problem has not occurred in Apple Wireless Keyboard (JIS).

●外部キーボードで「かな入力」を有効にする方法文字入力の方法には、「ローマ字入力」と「かな入力」があるが、どちらのユーザーも、「Apple Wireless Keyboard (JIS)」で、問題なく日本語入力ができる。ただし、「かな入力」をするためには、iOSで次のように設定を変更する必要がある。


With the above, you can enter the reading using the keyboard "Kana" key, and convert it to a kanji pseudonym mixture.

When entering Japanese, press the [Kana] key on the keyboard.Then, a menu appears in the center of the screen, and [Japanese] is selected.When entering alphanumeric characters, press the Upper of Key on the keyboard.Then, [English (US)] in the same menu is selected to enter half -width alphanumeric characters.


●変換エンジンはiOS標準のIMEこのように、純正のBluetoothキーボードであれば、「ローマ字入力」も「かな入力」もほぼ問題なく利用できる。ただし、変換に使われるのはiOS標準のIMEだ。ATOK for iOSなどのサードパーティ製の変換エンジンは利用できない。このため、変換はけっして賢いとはいえないし、操作性もイマイチだ。したがって、WindowsやMacのサードパーティ製IMEに慣れたユーザーは、かなりストレスを感じるだろう。

However, once you get used to it, it is a level that can be managed.I am a "Kana input" user who has been using ATOK on Windows for many years, but the combination of Office for iPad + "Apple Wireless Keyboard (JIS)" was more comfortable and surprising than expected.

This will make ATOK available for the conversion engine, and if the third -party keyboard can be used, the Office for iPad's Japanese input environment is likely to improve dramatically.Although it is still not as good as Windows and Mac, the difference is definitely shrinking.

・ Apple genuine "Apple Wireless Keyboard (JIS)"
