
Introduction of AWS: SMK Co., Ltd. AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Legion Perry Global Network HUB

This is an introduction of AWS introduction of SMK Corporation.

Before the introduction of the AWS, there were issues such as network bandwidth and engineer resources.Therefore, by using AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Legion Peering, the construction time and costs have been greatly reduced by applying AWS closed networks from domestic to overseas bases.These details are described below with diagrams.

Assignment, architecture, introduction effect

One of the first tasks is that the communication bands between overseas and domestic bases are narrow, packets have been stagnated frequently, and the work has been affected.Although it was necessary to expand the bandwidth, it was necessary to optimize network costs because it does not always need a wide bandwidth.

AWS導入事例: SMK株式会社 AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Region Peeringを活用したグローバルネットワークHub

One of the second tasks is that IT engineers are not resident at overseas bases.It was necessary to have local people work while providing remotely support from Japan, and the Japanese members were burdened.

With the timing of using AWS due to aging servers in domestic and overseas bases, we started studying to optimize network costs.During the study, it has been found that AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Region Peering can be used, and it has been adopted by fitting this requirement.The following reasons for selecting AWS are listed:

After adoption, the following architecture was designed and implemented, and the bandwidth was improved several tens of times.As a result, communications between domestic and overseas were stable and work was improved.

The following effects are listed as the effects of the introduction.

Currently, we are currently communicating between Tokyo, Singapore, and Hong Kong, but we are planning to develop it in other regions in the future.

Comments received from Osamu Fujiwara (the chief of the System Development Department Information Promotion Office)

With the increasing capacity of content and the introduction of communication tools, the number of traffic flowing through internal networks is increasing rapidly, using AWS Transit Gateway Inter-Region Perrying to improve international network bandwidth and reduce costs.At the same time, it was realized.In addition, it is possible to build servers for overseas regions, making servers overseas with overwhelming speed compared to on -premises.

Solutions Architect Network Specialist Comments from Kikuchi

上記の構成では、 AWS Transit Gateway を各リージョンのコアルーターとしてご利用いただいています。こうすることで、各 VPC はコアルーターである Transit Gateway へ接続さえすれば、どのリージョンの VPC に対しても経路を確保できるメリットがあります。
また、東京データセンターからの接続は利便性の高い AWS Site-to-Site VPN をご利用いただいていますが、こちらは IPsec トンネルあたり、 1.25 Gbps の制約があります。今後、さらに帯域が必要になった際には、最大 100 Gbps まで選択可能な AWS Direct Connect への変更も想定されているとのことです。このように、要件に合わせて柔軟に使い分けやステップアップ出来るのも、 AWS ネットワークサービスの特徴です。
予定されている海外拠点の追加時には、これまで通り各リージョンに Transit Gateway や VPC を配置するパターンと、 AWS Global Accelerator を利用する案もご紹介しています。グローバルに 310 以上配置されている POP ( Points of Presence ) *1 を経て、直接、東京の Transit Gateway へ VPN 接続することで、シンプルなネットワークを実現可能です。
なお、Global Accelerator を利用する際にパフォーマンスを測定可能なツール*2 もあわせてご紹介しております。
*1: https://aws.Amazon.com/jp/about-AWS/global-infrastructure/
*2: https://speedtest.globalaccelerator.AWS/

Customer Profile: SMK Co., Ltd. (SMK Corporation)

1925 年創業の東京都品川区に本社を置く電子部品メーカーで、コネクタ、スイッチ、
販売しています。北米、欧州、中国、ASEANなどの 16 か国に 39 拠点を持ち、