
Laptop PC is also included!Universal tote bag on a day with a lot of luggage

Recent work styles that tend to have more and other gets, such as gadgets and materials.Many people are useful for big size tote bags?I heard my favorite tote bag with my favorite tote bag and showed her styling with a self -shooting snap.Let's steal a technique to incorporate large bags in a well -balanced manner![Photo] See more tote bags that stylish people love

 ラップトップPCも入る! 荷物が多い日の万能トートバッグ

Accent with a light blue loco pattern bag (stylist Shizuka Yamazaki)


Mr. Yamazaki, who says that his private bag is a minimum size, chose a Nomadis tote bag for work. "When you have a large area of ​​bags, I chose a bag with this rococo pattern so that I wanted to incorporate a gorgeous thing so that it would not give a heavy impression. I am glad that it is a canvas material that can be easily worrisome about dirt and scratches. In addition, it is very tough, and there is a sense of security that does not cause any heavy things. "In addition to the canvas bag, styling that combines materials with different facial expressions, such as fake ferter vest, leather jacket, and velo address. "If you layer different materials, you will feel depth and three -dimensional effect. Just holding the pattern bag will accentuate, so you use it frequently when you wear a simple dress or when you wear a heavy color. Masu Yamazaki. Bags / Nomadis Fake Far Vest, Leather Jacket Dress / Vintage Item Bug / Vers and Boots / Doris Van Notten Piercing / Elnan Eldes Watch / Cartier Gold Bangle (left hand) / Gold ring (right hand) / Toywaklim Silver Breaklet (Left hand)・ Ball ring (left -handed finger) / Tiffany silver ring (middle left hand finger) / Bjoka

A white leather bag that shines on a colorful coat (Super A -Market Aoyama Staff Yu Takahashi)


Mr. Takahashi said, "I basically like leather," chose Aeta's brief basket bag. "The feature is that the leather is braided like a basket bag. Because the craftsman is carefully knitting hand -handed, there is also a reliable that can be used tough. It's a bag like a buddy. " It is a craft -like bag, but the white leather has a clean mood. At the same time as the mood of the bag, the coat is colorful! "The point is a happy check coat anyway. I feel that the presence of this bag stands out because it's a colorful coat," says Takahashi. The feet were combined with pink socks and loafers. "Volume sole and rubber shoes have increased, but I like the balance of leather shoes throughout the year, so I want to make a new tone." Bags / Aetakoat / He is shirt / Galley Vie wearing Elderstezman. Pants / Maison Margiela