
I want to try it in such a case Wi-Fi at home 3 is the Wi-Fi high-speed plan (medium)


Digital flash


Wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) in a home that is indispensable when using a smartphone (smartphone) or computer at home.Following the previous "4 conditions for selecting the latest Wi-Fi router three times faster than 5 years ago", which introduced how to select a Wi-Fi router, we will introduce the technique to eliminate Wi-Fi's "slow".

Improvements 1 Reset the base unit

The optical line at home is high-speed, Wi-Fi router, which is the main unit, and PCs and smartphones, which are the slave, can communicate at high speed..Wi-Fi is very slow even though it is compatible with 11ac.If you feel that way, there are some improvements you want to try to improve speed."Reset the master unit", "update the firmware", "coordinates the competition with other parasils", and "review the method of placing the master unit."This time, we will explain the reset of the base unit, update the firmware, and adjust the competition with other master units.Is faster or check the effect while actually testing in four experiments.)

自宅のWi-Fiが遅い そんなときに試したい改善策3つ我が家のWi-Fi高速化計画(中)

First, "reset of the master unit".The Wi-Fi router, which is a Wi-Fi base unit, is a type of computer, and is operating with a built-in program, just like a personal computer.If you continue to drive for a long time, the operation may be slow due to some bug.If you feel that Wi-Fi is slow, I would like to try it from the reset (restart) of the master unit.


Generally, restart is restarted using the power button of the master unit.Let's check the procedure in the manual of the master unit.In addition, some of the master unit can restart from the setting screen opened on the web browser.

Even if you restart, don't worry because the SSID and provider's connection password set on the base unit will not be initialized.The idea is the same as a reboot restart, and the work data is refreshed with the settings left.

Improvements 2 Update firmware


The next thing I want to try is the update of the built -in program called "Farm Wear".Like a PC Windows Update, the firmware of the master unit is also updated at any time to fix bugs and add new features.If Wi-Fi is slow due to a defect of firmware, it may be possible to solve it by updating.

There are two types of firmware updates: manual and online.I recommend online.Just press the update button on the setting screen, and then the master unit will automatically process it.


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