
Review of Wi-Fi environment is high-speed and safety "6" is the mainstream latest PC specification guide network (upper)

Digital life

Once a network environment is built, it tends to leave it as it is.However, in the last 10 years, the maximum communication speed of Wi-Fi routers has increased more than 10 times.Trouble, such as "the video was interrupted during the video conference" and "the face freezes and does not move" may be due to the lack of performance of the Wi-Fi router (Figure 1).It is a good idea to consider renewing Wi-Fi routers and representatives on this occasion.Let's explain the latest circumstances in the network environment twice from this time.

図1 Wi-Fiルーターのパッケージや仕様には、Wi-Fiの規格や機能などが網羅されている。これらを知っておくと製品を選びやすくなる。画像はバッファローの「WSR-3200AX4S-WH」のパッケージ


Wi-Fi環境の見直し ルーターは高速で安全「6」が主流 最新パソコンスペックガイド ネットワーク編(上)

Most of the Wi-Fi routers currently on sale correspond to Wi-Fi 6.This is the latest standard IEEE802.It is a so -called 11ax."6" represents the 6th generation, Wi-Fi 5 (IEEE802).The successor standard of 11ac) (Fig. 2).At the same time, the so-called Wi-Fi 6 was introduced, and the two generations in the past were commonly known as the name (Fig. 3).

図2 現在、Wi-Fiで主に使われている規格はIEEE802.11acだ。Wi-Fi 6と呼ばれる最新のIEEE802.11axも、2019年ごろから対応製品が出始め、徐々に浸透しつつある図3 IEEE802.11axから規格名とは別に「Wi-Fi 6」という通称が付けられた。「6」はWi-Fiの世代を表す。同時に過去のIEEE802.11acは「Wi-Fi 5」に、IEEE802.11nは「Wi-Fi 4」と呼ばれるようになった

Originally, wireless LAN devices approved by certified organizations were called "Wi-Fi", so wireless LANs were called Wi-Fi (Fig. 4).The Wi-Fi and the mobile phone high-speed communication standard "5G" are completely different, and the use is different (Fig. 5).

図4 Wi-Fi アライアンスという業界団体が認証した無線LAN機器のことを「Wi-Fi」と呼び、それが無線LANという言葉に代わって定着した。現在販売されている家庭用無線LAN機器のほとんどが認証を受けており、Wi-Fiと無線LANはほぼ同じものと考えてよい図5 5Gは、基地局と通信する移動通信システムの第5世代。Wi-Fiは家庭やオフィス内のネット回線に無線で接続できる仕組みで、有線LANケーブルを無線に置き換えたものあわせて読みたい

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