
The reason for emergency protection of a thin kitten with a whole body is "a chain of love" and "I did my best" in a nice edge that connects small lives.

A kitten that noticed the crying and protected

 全身ベトベトの痩せた子猫を緊急保護したきっかけは…… 小さな命をつないだすてきな縁に「愛情の連鎖」「よく頑張ったね」

The YouTube channel "Futaneko CHANNEL" has posted a lot of gratitude in the event of an emergency protection of a kitten that had been tough with a whole body. [Image: Protected Ole -kun] What is projected in the video is a small kitten with black sticky dirt on the whole body. Whether you are calling a mother cat, or when you see it desperately ringing in a rugged body, your chest is tightened. Futaneko, the postponer of the video, is working as a custody volunteer for protected cat groups. In the protection activities, he protected the mother cat with a wounded cheek, the common name of "Okappa -chan" and three kittens. After that, when I released a kitten and my mother cat due to various reasons, it was said that they were ring loudly looking for each other every day. The next day after releasing the kitten with Okappa -chan. I heard a loud voice from the outside of the house, because I heard a loud voice from the outside of the house. And after seeing the ridiculous state of the kitten, I decided to protect it. And before taking me to the hospital, I took a bath to drop my whole body sticky, and I hardly remove the dirt and hardened. Yes, this sticky was not oil, but a sticky sticky mouse catching that could not be removed with water or hot water. After that, the kitten uses orange oil at the hospital to remove dirt, and the pronunciation of "orange" floats in his head. It was. Ole -kun then grows quickly while returning a cat's cold, fighting anemia and stomach insects. Now he has recovered enough to suck a cat. Ole -kun, who arrived at a nice house, led by the voice of Opa -chan's parents and children, and secured a small life safely. Futaneko spelled this encounter, saying, "Do you believe in miracles?" Futaneko has posted videos on the daily life and protection activities of living with protected cats on the YouTube channel "Futaneko CHANNEL" and Instagram. Image provision: YouTube channel "Futaneko CHANNEL"
