
International News: AFPBB NEWS Successful cloning with frozen mouse cells, the possibility of mammoth revival

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  • ニュース環境・科学 発信地:東京[アジア・オセアニア東京]

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    [November 4 AFP] The team of the RIKEN and Revitalization Science Research Center (Kobe City) succeeded in making clones using the cells of dead mouse, which had been frozen and preserved for 16 yearsPublished on the 4th in the electronic version of the Academy Kinemen (PNAS).

    国際ニュース:AFPBB News 冷凍されたマウスの細胞使ってクローン作成に成功、マンモス復活の可能性も

     Teruhiko Wakayama (TERUHIKO WAKAYAMA) team leaders and others live in the core of the cells collected from the mouse carcass, which had been preserved for 16 years at almost the same zero frozen soil for 16 years.He transplanted into an egg of a female mouse, and put ES cells made from it in the mouse uterus to create a clone mouse.

     Mr. Wakayama said, "It is possible that the mammoths found in Siberia's permanent frozen soil may be revived," said Wakayama.

     However, there are many difficult tasks to revive extinct animals.In particular, as we used a female mouse in this study, it is essential to use a living close -up species to create a clone.

     For example, an elephant species of mammoth, which is said to have been extinct in the ice age, is an elephant, but to revive mammoths, find a way to grow ES cells made by transplanting mammoth cell nuclei into an elephant egg in an elephant uterus.There must be.(C) AFP

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