
The importance of impressive “white board art” and “depth”

Idea overflow and draw at once

Studio set of "Kusanagi Tsuyoshi no Women's Anas Special" designed by Fuji TV Kenta Suzuki

The rise of the YouTube / Subsque Video Distribution Service, the diversification of audience rating indicators, the establishment of overlooked distribution, the start of simultaneous distribution, the production system for corona evil -the environment surrounding television has changed drastically, and the industry is at the forefront. A series where "people in the middle" talk about [Originwa TV talk]. [Photo] Studio set of "Yortamori" (17 pieces in total) The 8th installment is "Art Creator", and Katsu Yokoi of TV Asahi, which handles art directing of programs such as "Music Station" and "TV Asahi CI". , Fuji TV Kenta Suzuki, who works on studio sets such as "VS Arashi" and "IPPON Grand Prix", appeared in 1997. Fuji TV Yosuke Kizuki, who is in charge of directing "New key", will be delivered in all five series. In the second part, starting with Suzuki's "whiteboard art", who draws design in real time in a meeting after ordering, he will solve his commitment in design, such as the importance of "depth". ■ Director's "Muchaburi" is essential element Yokoi: Kenta has a "white board art" that draws a design on the whiteboard at a conference, but that comes to TV Asahi and "Matthew's Best hit (Matthew's Best hit. If you do it on TV)], it's a good idea to my staff (laughs) Suzuki: It's not a art (laughs) Kizuki: That's amazing. This is a meeting of "Kusanagi Tsuyoshi's Women's Anna Special" (2012), which I ordered in the past, but Kenta draws too fast and my hands are blurred (laughs) Yokoi: It's true (laughs). 。 When the idea overflows, the mouse will also move like this (laughs) Suzuki: embarrassing ... Since 2012, nothing has changed (laughs) Yokoi: Kenta draws the set image on the spot! The amazing thing is that while symbolically draws the image of the face of the set, the perspective (= perspective) matches. In addition to that, you cut out and draw for each scene, such as "If you are doing a quiz" or "like this when you are talking". Katsuki: I was impressed when I first saw it. Suzuki: Because I have a lot of work, because I do not have to have a meeting to reduce the number of work, I do what I do on the spot (laughs). However, there was a place where TV Asahi's freshly made conference room was a whiteboard, and it was pleasant when I drew it and returned it (laughs). At that time, I heard that people on TV Asahi have not drawn there yet, so let's draw first. Yokoi: There seemed to be animals in the conference room (laughs). However, in general, it ends by drawing loose (= pulling), but Kenta cuts out the scene properly and designs it. I am quite close to this thinking, and if it is "M -Ste", I am in charge of the production video of the stage LED screen, but all will be designed according to the cut. The logo is not a simple screen design, but it is made with the image of the scenes and feelings used by customers. Suzuki: I often talk to Yokoi that what we are doing is not three -dimensional, but is related to four -dimensional. It changes with time. So it's a very high awareness that it shouldn't end from one angle, and that it is only one minute in the whole. Meanwhile, Kizuki is a special and important thing among Fuji TV directors, but the troublesome thing is, "What will happen from here?" "Is it?" Katsuki: (laughs) Suzuki: That's why I pretend to be stupid and seem to be inconsistent at first glance. However, from the order "Please do it with that program", I couldn't do anything interesting. "I don't know for a moment, can you do this kind of thing?" "Is this possible?" You will create something you have never seen. So, "Muchaburi" is an essential element (element) for us. Kizuki: Is that so? It was good to ask various things (laughs) ■ If Tamori wants to play music ... Katsuki: This is "Yortamori". You asked, "I want you to create a space where music can be made in the bar set." Moreover, it is not good if the bar and the music set are simply lined up, but the basics are only bar sets. However, if you feel like you'll want to play music, you'll be able to do a small set so that the talk will be exciting as a whole (laughs) Suzuki: This program is different. I had a designer, but I advised me. This is a drama method. Considering a variety of paintings, it was always like moving the song to a separate set and taking a picture, but "I created a space in the depth of one picture and focus on it. I guess it's possible to change. " Kizuki: There was a talk, and even if Tamori wanted to play music, it was a program that needed such an accident. If you have a music set from the beginning, you will definitely have to do it, so I don't like it. Yokoi: Do you sing if you don't sing without deciding to take a song? The back standby on the staff side (= preparation that can handle both) seems to be quite difficult, but this is an idea that creates a sense of air. Katsuki: That's right. Thanks to this set, while drinking alcohol and getting excited, Tamori suddenly hit the instrument behind, and a flow like "Do you want to do a little improvisation?" I was able to make it. Suzuki: I'm always looking for something different from before, or what I do is the same, but I can make a different impression by changing how to enter and show. Katsuki: This is "(Removable TV) Sukutto Japan". I'm drawing this design from the first meeting. Suzuki: It's almost a completed form (laughs) Yokoi: The characteristic of Kenta is that the ones that come up while drawing roughly are rough. There aren't many people who say "take them home". At the first meeting as much as possible, focus on the focus of the production. Suzuki: The project we are doing is always a client. Then, it is the quickest to ask the person for the answer. So it's a common story that when you take it home, you go in a different direction or go in the direction you think is good and say, "It has changed a little." If the client goes to the point in front of me, if the client goes to the point "I wanted to do this", wouldn't it be quick?

 感動の“ホワイトボード芸”と“奥行き”の重要性 【令和テレビ談義】~美術クリエイター編~<2>